[Uml-devel] develoment icons

Andrew Sutton asutton at mcs.kent.edu
Mon May 5 13:55:04 UTC 2003


i should be copying the kdevelop list on this, but i just haven't gotten 
around to subscribing yet :) so if somebody is on that list and wants to 
forward that, please do.

just curious, but as i'm working on the next major revision of umbrello it 
struck me that it would be nice to have a set of common (and pretty) icons 
related to common development stuff. there's alot of concepts in uml that 
translate to other languages pretty well (like, say, classes, attributes, 
operations, packages/namespaces, etc., etc., etc.). i was thinking it would 
be nice if there were a common set of metaphors for these things that could 
be reused by applications that deal with development stuff - like kdevelop 
and umbrello.

not being a graphic designer or artist (or having any artistic abilities 
whatsoever), i'm not sure how to go about creating these or even where they 
might be applied. i was thinking that since there's so much development stuff 
that could receive the treatment of common metaphors (like the stuff 
mentioned above), that it might be worthwhile to consider a new category 
within the icons directory.

i'm just trying to get some other feedback (and hopefully) the interest of 
somebody with more graphical ability than i :)

andrew sutton
ansutton at kent.edu

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