[Uml-devel] [Fwd: perl codegenerator] (fwd)

Jonathan Riddell jr at jriddell.org
Tue Jan 28 11:53:04 UTC 2003

On 28 Jan 2003, David Hugh-Jones wrote:

> Can someone explain to me, or point me to an explanation of, what
> "packages" are in UML? I assume they are like java packages and I am not
> sure whether in perl they shd be mapped to something like CPAN packages,
> or to the top level of a "::" separated namespace (or perhaps to nothing
> at all).

That's about right I think.  However Umbrello doesn't do packages yet.

> Other question: is there any likelihood of sharing code with KDevelop 3
> (gideon) in terms of recognizing source code?

Yes there is, I'd like to be rid of our code import and use KDevelop's
libraries for it.

Jonathan Riddell

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