[Uml-devel] Fonts and Zooming

Mathias Meyer mailings at beatsteaks.de
Wed Feb 19 04:28:02 UTC 2003

Hey guys,

I'm working with current CVS version (1.2-alpha) for now and the first 
thing that came just popped into my eyes were those nasty fonts when the 
canvasview is zoomed. CVS log of umlview.cpp agrees with that, but isn't 
there a way to just resize everything but the fonts. Instead the fonts 
could be redrawn in an apropriate size. I normally use Verdana sized to 
9. If you make just the font smaller, say for 75% to a size like 7, 
everything's fine and definitely more readable. Even if you resize the 
font to size 5, you can still read the stuff.

I know it's a Qt feature with QWMatrix, but that definitely can't be the 
answer to zoomingm, doesn't it? It's just an idea, that might be possible 
somehow ;)

Nice work with adding undo/redo and zooming though ;)

Best regards,
"only wimps use backup: _real_ men just upload their important stuff
on ftp, and let the rest of the world mirror it ;)" - linus torvalds

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