[Uml-devel] Friend permissions between classes

Jens Krüger Jens.Krueger at frm2.tum.de
Mon Aug 4 04:16:06 UTC 2003

Am Montag, 4. August 2003 12:29 schrieb Oliver Kellogg:
> I am starting to remove the friend permissions between
> kdesdk-umbrello classes.
This is a good idea, but I think you should not remove the existing
relations between the *Widget and *WidgetData classes. The current
state is a clean separation between the UML representation (in the 
*WidgetData classes) and the KDE representation of the elements on
the screen (the *Widget classes). So you are ready for changes in
the KDE and UML without a lot of changes in the code. 


> This is a first tender preparation for a big *Widget/
> *WidgetData cleanup where the WidgetData classes only
> serve as the base classes for the Widget classes, but
> there would not exist any WidgetData objects - only
> Widget objects.
> (That cleanup is a major design change so it won't be
> ready anytime soon.)
> Opinions, objections?
> --Oliver
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Jens Krüger

Technische Universität München
Lichtenberg-Str. 1
D-85747 Garching

Tel: + 49 89 289 14 716
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mailto:jens.krueger at frm2.tum.de

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