[Uml-devel] U2 questions / comments
Andrew Sutton
ansutton at kent.edu
Tue Apr 1 16:22:43 UTC 2003
On Tuesday 01 April 2003 1:28 pm, Luis De la Parra Blum wrote:
> Hi Andy, hi all,
> I just got me a copy of umbrello2-cvs and am in the process of building it.
> hopefully in the next days I'll have a bit of time so that I can start
> playing around with it, but first some questions / comments:
> about the metamodels: could you please give a brief expl. about the
> different classes?, for examle, for UML::Class I've found Core::Class,
> Core::Class_Impl and Core::Class_Class ?
right. Core::Class (actually, its going to be UML::Class because its imported
into a different namespace) is the interface defined by the specification. It
contains the abstract accessors and mutators for the interfaces attributes.
the UML::Class_Impl is the actual implementation of those pure virtual methods
- and all the methods from any parent classes (maybe UML::Classifier,
UML::Namespace, UML::GeneralizeableElement, UML::ModelElement and
UML::Element if i remember). it also implements the reflective interfaces for
RefBaseObject, RefFeatured and RefObject. the reason that UML::Class has an
implementation while UML::Namespace does not, is because UML::Class is not
abstract. UML::Namespace is - hence, no _Impl class.
the UML::Class_Class is what's known as a class proxy. it really serves two
different purposes. 1st, it's the factory for objects of that class. you can
create new objects of that type by calling:
2nd, the class proxy is the owning extent for objects of that type and class.
objects can have more than one type (i.e. it's a Class, it's a Namespace and
its a Classifier), but they only ever have one type (i.e., it's a Class).
collections of all objects are returned via the refAllOfType and
refAllOfClass methods on the RefClass interface.
> what is the role of each of them? for what I can tell, the Class does
> nothing but return a pointer to a Class_Impl, which is the one doing all
> the work... question: why did you implement it this way? (instead of having
> the Class have all the methods?
> I guess the Class_Class is the reflective interface for the Class... but
> how do you use it?
this follows the JMI mapping specification to a certain degree. the roles...
interface (Class), implementation (Class_Impl) and factory (Class_Class).
> - about the app: I think that having the version number in the class/file
> name is not a good idea at all... I know it's a complete re-write and
> everything, but what are you going to do with Umbrello2App when we get to
> version 3? -> either you're gonna get some inconsistency in the names, or
> you're going to have to re-write large parts of code.
> By having version number as part of the name, you are saying good bye to a
> smoot evolution of the project ( slowly improving the code till you get to
> v3 ) and are forcing a rewrite for the next major version.
> It's not for nothing that KMainWindow is not named KMainWindow3_1_1 ...
good point... i don't know. i think the rationale was that 2 was such a
departure from 1 that anything after that could be said to use the umbrello2
framework. i suppose the better idea would be to remove all versioning
information from everything (including the uml-1.4 and mof-1.4) libs and move
it all over to a new "umbrello" module. since 1.x is still in the uml module.
> another point is, I think that a vanilla Document/View model is not going
> to be enough for U2.... we are going to have one document (our Model), but
> ther's going to be many types of views. (diagram views, "model browsers",
> etc, etc ) Each view looks at one part of the document and or from a
> different point of view
right. doesn't document/view support multiple views of the same underlying
data? i thought that it would.
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