[Uml-devel] Newbie comments

Tsuraan grovenjl at rose-hulman.edu
Sat Nov 16 06:24:01 UTC 2002

> I don't quite understnad your overloaded operator query.  Do you mean that
> if class A has method foo() and class B inherits from A and re-implements
> foo() then it doesn't get imported?  In my testing just now it does.

Not quite.  I haven't tested this for any other operators, but I overload the 
operator() and operator[] for a project that I'm working on (it needs smart 
arrays, and it likes functors).  When I imported classes that overload those 
operators, the object properties do not show any member functions, other than 
the constructors. 

> How did you install Umbrello, was it a prebuilt package or did you compile
> from source.  If you compiled it yourself where did you install it and
> does KDE know about it?
> Unfortunatly help isn't working at all on my custom built KDE install.
> Can anyone else report success or failure with this?

It was compiled from source, using the debian KDE3 prerelease packages.  I 
haven't actually run KDE3, so I somehow doubt that it is aware of Umbrello.  
I did set the KDEDIRS variable, which gave me buttons, but still no user 

It installed to /usr/local/kde/bin, which is not where my kde lives.  Is that 
likely to be a problem?


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