[Uml-devel] Newbie comments

Jonathan Riddell jr at jriddell.org
Sat Nov 16 06:03:02 UTC 2002

> Like any newbie, I had some ideas/suggestions for Umbrello (UML?) that have
> probably been rehashed many times, but I didn't see them on the webpage, so
> I'll take a shot here...

We always appreciate feedback.

> For one, code import doesn't seem to work entirely for C++.  Namely, when I
> imported a project that I was working on, it excluded all of my overloaded
> operators.  I thought that was a bit odd.
> Finally, a suggestion:  it would be really nice if when Umbrello imported
> classes, it could parse the file for Javadoc/Doxygen style comments and put
> them in the UML attributes as comments for the functions and datatypes.  This
> would probably be a bit much work for the number of developers involved here,
> but if anyone gets the time it would be really neat.  I might have a look
> myself if I get the time...

The code import functionality is far from perfect and infact is taken from
an old version of KDevelop.  It's fairly high on the TODO list for a
future version to use the latest import libraries from KDevelop.
Hopefully these will include documentation comments import but I'm not
sure, it's certainly a feature I'd like to see.

I don't quite understnad your overloaded operator query.  Do you mean that
if class A has method foo() and class B inherits from A and re-implements
foo() then it doesn't get imported?  In my testing just now it does.

> Another thing is that the UML handbook seems to be missing from my install.
> When I go to help->Umbrello UML handbook, it just brings up the generic KDE
> help.  I'm sure that I neglected something when I installed, but I can't
> figure out what it is.

How did you install Umbrello, was it a prebuilt package or did you compile
from source.  If you compiled it yourself where did you install it and
does KDE know about it?

Unfortunatly help isn't working at all on my custom built KDE install.
Can anyone else report success or failure with this?

Jonathan Riddell

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