[Uml-devel] CVS DB branch update - load/save support + extras

Paul Hensgen paul_hensgen at hotmail.com
Thu May 30 17:03:11 UTC 2002


I couldn't sleep last night so I had a look at the load/save code.

I have fixed the code up so that it now works correctly from what I can 
tell.  Please start testing.

Other things added/fixed also, see attached file.

Things I am going to work on over the weekend are:

* any file/save bugs I find as I'm working.
* folder in folder support. (Most of this has already been done I think)
* fix assoc heads (triangle still not blank)
* some update issues for classes linked with assoc. and change a property 
causing size change, but doesn't fix assoc pos.
* self assoc line criss cross
* maybe find better way to place assoc lines- try stop overlapping (maybe)

* font selection
* abstract class
* load last diagram support
* selection support - can't multi select by pressing
* other bugs I find
* anything else I think of.

Gustavo, should I look at the clip/copy/paste code?? I may even still have a 
look at it this weekend.  I really want to get it done.  Let me know.
I have had to disable your timer code as it was causing the program to slow 
down and almost freeze at times.

Is anyone testing/ coding ?? let me know!!

Paul Hensgen

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