[Uml-devel] Call attr/oper properties directly from mylistview?
Jens Krüger
jens_krueger at frm2.tu-muenchen.de
Sat Jul 27 15:38:02 UTC 2002
Am Samstag, 27. Juli 2002 22:47 schrieb Jonathan Riddell:
> > If I have added an operation or attribute to a class, the element shows
> > up in the UML Diagrams view. Ok so far. But if I call the properties from
> > this op/attr I get to the class's properties in the right section. I
> > think it would be better to show the uml[operation|attribut]dialog
> > directly.
I'm not sure whether this is a good idea. I have some problems with the
functionality from the point of a user. For example:
You open the dialog for changing the properties of the class and you get a
dialog with 'Ok', 'Apply', and 'Cancel' buttons. As an user you assume that
all your changes in the dialog may not commited if you press cancel, but they
automatically applied if you press Ok in your operation or attribute
subdialog. Is this a good style for an user interface. I'm not happy with
your solution. On the other hand a generation of new attributes, operations
are also commited without any question to the user. What should we do?
>From the point of user the cancel button should all changes roll back,
otherwise the cancel and apply buttons makes no sense in the properties
dialog. I think all properties dialog in the uml-program should have the same
> I agree entirely and have made the appropriate (I hope) changes.
> > PS: I think in the next 2 weeks patches from my side will not show up
> > very often, because I'm going to vacation.
Did you read the projekt handbook of kmoney2 as Thomas proposed? I read it
and I found some interesting ideas. One of them is the splitting of even and
odd subversion numbers to the stable and development version resp.. An other
is to create a branch after releasing a version, so that the development is
always on the main trunk and the current development state is HEAD. I think
we should create a branch on the version 1.0.3 (released) if it is possible.
Otherwise we have to wait for the next release. We should release if we find
the most bugs in the current state and not in a unstable state as now. We
have to test and find the bugs and errors and fix them.
> Well have a nice holiday. Hopefully by then we'll have admin privilages
> and will be thinking about a 1.1 release.
> Jonathan Riddell
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Jens Krüger
TU München
Lichtenbergstr. 1
D - 85747 Garching
email:jens_krueger at frm2.tu-muenchen.de
Tel.: +49 89 289 14 716
Fax: +49 89 289 14 666
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