[Uml-devel] mailing list / design documents

Luis De la Parra lparrab at gmx.net
Sun Dec 8 11:24:02 UTC 2002

>  There is a mailing list, but it seems broken atm. We are often in #ksvg.

ok. thanks, and maybe we'll meet there sometime.
Would be great to get the mailing lists working again though... mail
archives can be valuable some times.

>  I didnt know that! Will it add extensions of its own or pure svg?

like I said in the other mail, we can't yet see the specs because they
aren't finished yet and we are not members of the OMG, but I dont see a reason why
extensions would be necessary.
I know very little about SVG, but I think you can define elements which are
composed of other elements and tag them (ie, define "class" to be a
"rectangle" with two "lines" across it) -- that and an ID is pretty much all you
need.( the ID is to associate the Modell's Class to the SVG Visual representation
of it) 

>  I didnt know that! Guess I have to build some apps tonight :)

see  http://k2d.sourceforge.net/

I havn't been able to build it  ( I have not really tried, just got the
sources and typed "make" to see if I had luck, but didn't even care to make sure
I had the depenencies. Hopefully I'll get to do it this week.)

something similar to this is what we need, but in a much much _much_ smaller
and this is based on KSVG, so I think KSVG is what we could use.

>  How do you plan to make the editing look? Realtime, or notROP like
> qpainter mode? KSVG doesnt currently have good editing capabilities,
> mainly because the rendering code still has to be optimized for that.

not sure what you mean... but I imagine (just gessing) that you can modify
KSVG's DOM tree and it will update the picture (it will re-render it
automagically) - I am asumming this because of the Animation capabilities of SVG, and
because there seems to be some sort of JavaScript support to modify the DOM.
If this is the case, then when you click on the widget we just need to find
out if you hitted an element, let's say a class, and when you drag the mouse
we just need to update the X and Y values in the DOM tree and hope that KSVG
will render it correctly



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