[Uml-devel] mailing list / design documents

Sebastian Stein s5228 at informatik.htw-dresden.de
Sat Dec 7 08:50:05 UTC 2002

Ariya Hidayat <ariya at kde.org> [021207 15:57]:
> Hmm, then I'm confused. Why on earth you want to store diagrams in SVG while 
> XMI is already sufficient for that ? Beside, you will lose the structure with 
> SVG, unless of course by adding some extensions. SVG only defines graphics 
> entities, right ?

Ok, XMI is XML and it is understood by many applications. But it saves only
the model not the visual representation. So you can exchange the model
between the apps, but you can't exchange the diagrams. So you need something
like a common stylesheet (XSL) to render XMI. I think the OMG (group who
maintains the UML standard) is working on a new specification that SVG will
be used to store the visual part of the modelled system.

Today a lot of applications claim to use XMI. But they extend XMI to save
the visuall part in it as well. But these extensions are not compatible and
in the end you can't really exchange models between the different apps.

So, we are planning to do a little redesign after the 1.1 release. (ok, if I
could hurry up a little bit with the doc translation it would be out
allready ;-) ) In the new design we have to separate model and visual a
little bit more. It would be cool to save the visual in SVG, because the UML
specification for this is coming.

Umbrello UML Modeller
Description     : UML diagram drawing tool for KDE with code generation
Homepage        : http://www.umbrello.org/
Bug report      : http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=24919&atid=382951
Feature request : http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=24919&atid=382954

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