[Uml-devel] Word wrap in multiline notes

P. Fleury fleury at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Oct 26 02:24:03 UTC 2001

Hi !

thank you for this tool, even though it has not yet all the UML 
functionality I would like for my projects, I tend to use it a lot.

I actually wanted the word-wrap in the note boxes to happen at white 
spaces, and modified the corresponding value in file notewidget.cpp:22 
to reflect this ( change 'Anywhere' to 'AtWhiteSpace'). The change is 
trivial, but maybe it would be nice to have this as an option, instead 
of recompilation:-) (which was fine for me)

Anyway, maybe you should implement an option panel, where we can set the 
few options (word-wrap, centering the text - see previous patch sent to 
you) and the option panel could be reorganized later when there are too 
many options to handle on a single panel...


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