BibTeX export bug

Robby Stephenson robby at
Fri Apr 8 19:48:53 BST 2022

On Thu, Mar 31, 2022 at 2:44 PM Raymond Martin <laseray at> wrote:

> Export creates a comment at the top (@comment{Generated by Tellico
> 3.4.4}), but this does not seem to be standard BibTeX format or parse with
> a BibTeX to JSon converter I am using (Bartleby on GitHub).
> I checked BibTeX documentation and changing the comment to something like
> @comment{comment, generator = {Tellico 3.4.4}} works. It needs a key with
> comma, at least, before any fields, just like other BibTeX entries.

Coming back to this, I think your parser just may not be fully compliant.
Bartleby seems to fail on @STRING { text } and @PREAMBLE{text} lines as
well as a @COMMENT {comment } which suggests it's always looking for
delimited key values in whatever block it reads, no matter what the type
is. I can find plenty of examples online of @COMMENT { } blocks without a
comma as well as preambles.

I'll consider removing the comment generated by Tellico, but perhaps you
could try to contact the author of the Bartleby parser about the question
as well. Their test file doesn't seem to contain any @STRING, @COMMENT, or
@PREAMBLE in it.

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