Help With Amazon Data Source

Robby Stephenson robby at
Tue Jul 9 13:35:53 BST 2019

On Mon, Jul 8, 2019 at 11:26 PM Derek Tombrello <
RebelTaz at> wrote:

> Hi... I managed to get the latest tellico built from the source (the
> version in the Ubuntu repository is sorely outdated) but I am having
> trouble getting the Amazon data source to work. I have an Associate ID,
> along with the associated access and secret keys, but... I tried first to
> use a IAM user with limited capabilities, but I had no idea which one(s) of
> the over 400 available permissions tellico required. Just to test, I used
> my root keys. When I tried using the search feature of tellico with Amazon
> selected as the data source, it pops up telling me that
> You are submitting requests too quickly. Please retry your requests at a
> slower rate.
> This was the first time I had even tried to submit a search! It says this
> every time. What am I doing wrong?

Earlier this year, Amazon began enforcing limits to API usage based on your
sales and referral tracking. See "Efficiency Guidelines" here:

When Amazon returns an error message from a search, Tellico passes it
directly to the user, and the message you got "...submitting requests too
quickly..." is the one they use when you hit the API limits (which could be
0, depending on the situation). So it's not really a rate issue, despite
Amazon's error message.

> I love tellico - it is the only program that does what it does and it does
> it so well, but... one of the main reasons I was drawn to tellico in the
> first place was the ability to use a barcode scanner on my massive (to me
> anyway) library of books and movies so that I didn't have to type in title
> and ISBN/UPC codes for every item I add. With this ability missing from the
> movies databases...
> Maybe one of the other data sources allows for UPC lookup on videos?
Unfortunately, I don't think any of the others allow UPC lookup. I'll have
to check to verify that.

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