program crashes

Robby Stephenson robby at
Wed May 24 12:54:06 UTC 2017


Thanks for the feedback. I'll take another look at the code in the search
box. Which version of Tellico are you using?


On Wed, May 24, 2017 at 6:23 AM, Walter Leadbetter <wjl6261 at>

> Dear Sir / Madam,
> Thank you for your program, it has some very nice programming associated
> with it and, given time, is likely to become a very useful program!
> I believe I have identified what (certainly in my case) was a major
> cause of crashes:
> One of the most useful features (as far as video DVD's is concerned is
> the Internet Search, and this is where I think the problem lies.
> When first installed I was searching for information (via IMDB) and
> would sometimes carry out a fresh search -without- clearing the previous
> information and sometimes also changing the sort order by clicking the
> column headings. Crashes appear to always occur in these circumstances.
> I have found that clearing the contents completely between searches
> appears to have solved this problem (at least it hasn't crashed
> recently) and entries have been going smoothly. I would suggest that
> (perhaps) in these circumstances (multiple searches without clearing
> previous entries) that the application is attempting to access
> information which is no longer available (because of the new search).
> I hope this is of some help, I believe that this can become a VERY
> popular application with a little polishing.
> Regards,
> Walter Leadbetter
> P.S. My platform was Linux Mint (17.1).
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