program crashes

Walter Leadbetter wjl6261 at
Wed May 24 10:23:24 UTC 2017

Dear Sir / Madam,

Thank you for your program, it has some very nice programming associated
with it and, given time, is likely to become a very useful program!

I believe I have identified what (certainly in my case) was a major
cause of crashes:

One of the most useful features (as far as video DVD's is concerned is
the Internet Search, and this is where I think the problem lies.
When first installed I was searching for information (via IMDB) and
would sometimes carry out a fresh search -without- clearing the previous
information and sometimes also changing the sort order by clicking the
column headings. Crashes appear to always occur in these circumstances.
I have found that clearing the contents completely between searches
appears to have solved this problem (at least it hasn't crashed
recently) and entries have been going smoothly. I would suggest that
(perhaps) in these circumstances (multiple searches without clearing
previous entries) that the application is attempting to access
information which is no longer available (because of the new search).

I hope this is of some help, I believe that this can become a VERY
popular application with a little polishing.


Walter Leadbetter

P.S. My platform was Linux Mint (17.1).
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