[Tellico-users] [bug] can't copy ISBN not found in data sources

Robby Stephenson robby at periapsis.org
Tue May 26 23:48:01 UTC 2015

On 05/26/2015 12:00 PM, Xavier Brochard wrote:
> After a "Multiple ISBN / UPC search" on internet data sources, if some ISBNs
> are not found, a window pop-up saying "No results were found for the following
> ISBN values:" and it display a list of ISBN. But those ISBNs can't be copied.

I'll poke at that, but it's a standard KDE dialog so I can't do much 
without recoding the whole thing. I'm not sure why it's not selectable. 
Maybe there's a flag or something I can set.

> And, while I report some bugs, I would like to thank you for Tellico. You have
> built a very good software, so easy to extend and hack with xslt.

Sure, I'm glad to have someone extending it!


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