[Tellico-users] Features suggestion

erwin erwin at herow-int.com
Wed Jan 8 09:49:26 UTC 2014

What I noticed is that Tellico is not creating an thumbnail folder for 
pictures. This latter comes in handy for (in my case) a book collection. 
Adding over 1000 pictures goes rather slow. So I would suggest to 
implement this as a feature.
Another 2 things I would like to suggest are; 1) the option to use 
concurrent search, or out simply choose multiple sources for search at 
once. (I use mainly ISBN search and would like it to use Open Library 
and Google Book Search together, instead of doing separate searches in 
case one of the two can not find it.)
2) I would like some form of opt-out option for added functions and 
searches. (I only use it for my book collection, so I do not need film 
or music libraries, so if I could choose only book collection it saves 
me time. I think the same applies to users who only use it for music or 
film collections. And as I only use 2 or 3 base sources for searching I 
would be glad to turn off the other sources. Which I think will apply 
also to several other users.)

Just my 2 cents worth,


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