[Tellico-users] Question about subsets of data

Shelagh Manton shelagh.manton at gmail.com
Sat Oct 5 00:37:23 UTC 2013


Just tried to save a subset of data to another tellico file and I think I 
must be missing something.

I filtered out a set of items which then appeared in the column view. 
Then I highlighted all the items and saved as culledbooks.tc. 

When I opened the new file, all the books from the old file were still in 
there. How does one save a subset of data to another file? I looked in 
the documentation and could not spot a heading that would suggest 
instructions for it.

I want to delete the books from my database but I want to keep a record 
of books I have had. 

In the end I did a reverse filter (not equals) and deleted all the 
matching items and saved that file to the new name. But it is not an 
ideal method I must say.

If I haven't explained well enough let me know and I'll try again.



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