[Tellico-users] Tellico under windows

Robby Stephenson robby at periapsis.org
Fri Mar 22 21:01:21 UTC 2013

On 03/22/2013 07:43 AM, Andrea Randazzo wrote:
> Dear Robby, I wrote a quick patch that solve the problem of saving files
> under windows.
> If I understood correctly your code, you open the file and load
> everything in memory (exept the images that are extracted in a temporary
> directory). After that the file is no longer used. Consequently, I added
> some code to close the file after the collection is loaded.
> Don't know is this is acceptable...
> I attach a diff file that implements this patch (there's also a change
> in one file of pilotdb to allow compilation with mingw).

Are you loading a .tc file with images included when you have the 
problem saving? If you're not, then I'm not sure why your patch fixes 
the problem, since the fileRef() is then deleted in the TellicoImporter 
d'tor. But if you are loading a .tc file with images included, see if 
the attached patch works for you. It essentially does the same thing as 
your patch, without messing with too much.


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