[Tellico-users] Tellico under windows

Robby Stephenson robby at periapsis.org
Tue Mar 12 05:30:28 UTC 2013

On 03/11/2013 03:09 PM, Andrea Randazzo wrote:
> Hi, I managed to compile (quite straightforwardly) Tellico under windows
> by using mingw and the kde-windows platform. Just a couple of optional
> modules are not available. Almost all is working fine. Tellico runs,
> create a new collection, import books from online sources, save it to file.
> However, if I close the program, reopen it, reload a previosly saved
> collection and modify it, tellico is not able to save the file to disk.
> If I use the save as option by using a different filename, the file is
> correctly saved.
> Any hint on where the problem could be?

I'm impressed you got as far as you did, Andrea. I don't have any ideas 
about the problem with saving the file. Tellico uses the KDE libraries 
for reading and writing files, and I would think they would allow for 
Windows usage. Perhaps, I'm using them incorrectly in Tellico somehow. 
As Jens pointed out, it may be an issue with the open/read flags that 
I'm using, I guess. Unfortunately, since I don't have a Windows machine 
to develop on, I can't test anything.


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