[Tellico-users] Tellico 2.3.5 Released

Robby Stephenson robby at periapsis.org
Wed Jan 18 04:24:26 UTC 2012

Hi Matt,

On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 9:43 AM, Matthew Soffen (tellico) <
sirgeek-tellico at mrsucko.org> wrote:

> One "bug" question.  Has anyone reported some odd behavior when getting
> book information from Amazon ?
> Instead of returning data as a Title and a Series, I'm seeing it returned
> as "Title (SeriesName #)"
> Or is this something configuratble ?

Yeah, Amazon titles tend to be rather messy. Tellico has some code to check
for things like [Blu-ray] or [Episode #1] but it's not foolproof. It sounds
like you hit a case where the regexp isn't quite matching. Can you give me
a specific example that I can test against? That way I can add more checks
for the next version, but there's nothing configurable in there right now.

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