[Tellico-users] Any way to create the exports from the command line or back up to a different folder ?

Matthew Soffen (tellico) sirgeek-tellico at mrsucko.org
Thu Jan 5 19:23:50 UTC 2012

> Hi Matt,
> On Friday 30 December 2011, Matthew Soffen (tellico) wrote:
>> 1) Generate the Exports from a command line call (instead of having to
>> fire up the application)
> No. You can do some of the exporting via DBUS calls, but the application
> still has to be running. You can export some of the report HTML by using
> xsltproc, though it won't be simple since some of the image settings and
> other parameters would have to be passed in via command-line options.
> unzip -p books.tc tellico.xml | xsltproc xslt/report-
> templates/Title_Listing_\(Vertical\).xsl -
> That sommand extracts the tellico.xml file from my book collection, and
> then
> using the Title Listing report to convert it to HTML.

Hmmm.  I wonder if I could write a "simple" perl script that could do that
(with a few command line switches). It may not be 100% but if it can be
done for "simple" things, why the heck not :)

I'll try and if it works well, I'll GPL the script and you can include in
the distribution if you want.

>> 2) When backing up the .tc file, have it back up to a DIFFERENT
>> directory
>> than the original file ?
> No, there's no setting for that. Perhaps it's needed?

It can't hurt (as I found out the hard way).   Another thing that might
have helped is if you renamed it to .<FILENAME>.tc~ instead of just
<FILENAME>.tc~ (that way it wouldn't get deleted by a normal delete).

Thanks for such a great program (AND being open to suggestions).


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