[Tellico-users] Any way to create the exports from the command line or back up to a different folder ?

Robby Stephenson robby at periapsis.org
Tue Jan 3 15:05:04 UTC 2012

Hi Matt,

On Friday 30 December 2011, Matthew Soffen (tellico) wrote:
> 1) Generate the Exports from a command line call (instead of having to
> fire up the application)

No. You can do some of the exporting via DBUS calls, but the application 
still has to be running. You can export some of the report HTML by using 
xsltproc, though it won't be simple since some of the image settings and 
other parameters would have to be passed in via command-line options.

unzip -p books.tc tellico.xml | xsltproc xslt/report-
templates/Title_Listing_\(Vertical\).xsl -

That sommand extracts the tellico.xml file from my book collection, and then 
using the Title Listing report to convert it to HTML.

> 2) When backing up the .tc file, have it back up to a DIFFERENT directory
> than the original file ?

No, there's no setting for that. Perhaps it's needed?

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