[Tellico-users] Re: Problem exporting to html: sending files

Robby Stephenson robby at periapsis.org
Wed Apr 6 13:51:24 UTC 2011

On Wednesday 06 April 2011, Josep wrote:
> El Dimecres 2011-04-06 06:44:18 Robby Stephenson va escriure:
> > with this instead
> > 
> >              <xsl:attribute name="href">
> >              
> >               <xsl:value-of select="$entry/tc:enllaç-al-bloc"/>
> >              
> >              </xsl:attribute>
> >  
> >  I believe it should work as before. Let me know if that helps.
> No, it doesn't work. There is no change.

Hmmm, it worked when I tested it against your file. Tellico looks for the 
tellico2html.xsl  file in a series of paths. You can see the list by running
kde4-config --path data
Each of those paths has "/tellico/" appended to it, and then is searched for 
the file. Is it possible there is an old copy of the file that is being used 
instead of the one you corrected? You can see which one Tellico uses by 
kde4-config --locate tellico/tellico2html.xsl --path data
Make sure that's the one you you're editing.

And the tellico2html.xsl file that comes with Tellico won't have this 
problem, you could test with that, too.

> Comming back using original files there is no difference but if you see
> the file exported, it's clear that the problem is the length of the
> linking field.

Your tellico2html.xsl file calls an XSL template inn a way that almost works 
by accident. The intent is that the text between the <a>...</a> tags is 
truncated, but the url in the href attribute is left alone. The way you're 
calling the template is using the linked text, not the url.

> Now, the question is where this length is fixed, because in the tellico-
> common.xsl I've changed 30 for 90 and nothing help.

You'd also have to change the subsequent lines that truncate the string to 
15 characters on one side, and 15 on the end. But I don't think that's the 
correct fix.


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