[Tellico-users] Re: Tellico and Disocgs

Robby Stephenson robby at periapsis.org
Sat Nov 6 18:30:26 UTC 2010

On Wednesday 03 November 2010, Enrico Bernardi wrote:
> Hi,
> I try to search "Dalis Car" or "Flux Of Fluxster" and before I saw all
> the data (cover image, artist label  the tracklist etc).
> Now only these data (see the attached image). Thanks very much.

There were some updates in Tellico 2.2 to fix some bugs with searching the 
Discogs site. I'm guessing you may have an earlier version? With the most 
recent release, I get all the data for the two cases you mentioned.

So upgrade if you can.  :/ Sorry...


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