[Tellico-users] problem with endless loop

Peter Alcibiades palcibiades-first at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Aug 19 13:06:56 UTC 2010

Hi Robbie,

In the latest version that is in the Squeeze repositories, I have had a 
problem with endless loops on images.  You pick the option of storing the 
images in a file relative to the application, and it then gives the message 
that you need to save the file.  However, when you click OK, it comes back 
again in a loop.  The only way I found out of it was to kill the process.

Is this a known bug?  If not I will send you an exact recipe.  This 
occurred when opening a file from the earlier 1.3.5 version in the new 
Squeeze one, I think it is 2.2.5.


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