[Tellico-users] Automatic crash report generated by DrKonqi for tellico.

Robby Stephenson robby at periapsis.org
Tue Dec 1 04:56:50 UTC 2009

On Saturday 28 November 2009, Matthew Soffen wrote:
> Evening all.   I thought at 1st that this was an error  that was fixed in
>  2.1.1 (I was running 2.1 and thought it was 2.2.1).  This problem is
>  still occurring repeatedly.
> I can recreate it 100% of the time and can supply my 2 .tc files that are
> causing this.

It looks like the problem is caused by another edge case in the sorting in 
the column view. So if you click on a couple of different columns to change 
the sorting, and then try to export again, it might work.

In any case, thanks for the debug output. I can't reproduce the crash (and I 
don't think having your tc files would help) but I can see how to fix what 
it looks like.


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