[Tellico-users] KDE3 and secret key

Bob Apthorpe apthorpe at cynistar.net
Fri Aug 21 15:03:27 UTC 2009


Robby Stephenson wrote:
> On Thursday 20 August 2009, nelamvr6 at inbox.com wrote:
>> I have to respectfully disagree.  I really appreciate all the work you've
>> done making this wonderful program.  But I think that the ability to
>> search Amazon is a HUGE part of the functionality of this program.
> Sure, I agree with that. I just mean "integral" as in "Tellico doesn't work 
> if you don't have it", and I don't consider Amazon searching indispensable.

It's an important function for minimizing data entry but, I agree, once
collections have been populated, search functions don't matter. Maybe
that's a hair-splitting theoretical argument (in that I'm going to keep
adding to my collections), but I see your point.

It's kind of like not having beer vs not having oxygen - in the former
case life may seem unbearable; in the latter, impossible. :)

-- Bob

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