Taglib and my Kenwood Stereo

Dale O Gjerding daleway at frontier.com
Tue Feb 27 00:07:57 GMT 2024




As this email bounced to some, if not all the recipients, I am resending it.
Sorry for any redundancy.


Taglib is new to me.


I wrote a program that will add folder.jpg (if it exists) as a FrontCover to
all the MP3s in the same folder. This program is script-driven (*.m3u). My
folder structure is by artist, with album names as sub-folders.


The program works. All players I have tried display the front cover (without
folder.jpg present in the folder). However, my Kenwood car stereo will not
display the front cover. But if I add folder.jpg to the mp3 files using the
program "Mp3tag", the Kenwood stereo will display the front cover.



The Taglib section of my program is as follows:


mp3FilePath = info

coverArtPath = folder_jpg



mp3File = TagLib.File.Create(mp3FilePath)

Dim picture As TagLib.Picture = New TagLib.Picture(coverArtPath)

picture.Type = TagLib.PictureType.FrontCover



mp3File.Tag.Pictures = New TagLib.IPicture() {picture} ' Add the picture to
the tag





What am I missing?




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