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Urs Fleisch urs.fleisch at
Fri Jun 23 17:14:47 BST 2023

> are there any pointers available online that outline the basic approach,
> particularly with emphasis on retaining backward ABI compatibility?

You can use your own file types in your application without modifying
TagLib, just implement a subclass of TagLib::File (with can provide its own
subclass of TagLib::AudioProperties with audioProperties() and its own
subclass of TagLib::Tag with tag()), and then you can register it using
TagLib::FileRef::addFileTypeResolver(). So you just have to specialize
given base classes, and you do not have to care about ABI compliance.

If you provide a pull request which changes TagLib classes, you have to
maintain binary compatibility, KDE has some guidelines in
I use abi-compliance-checker (is part of most Linux distributions) to check
before making a release.
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