Release 1.12

Kevin André hyperquantum at
Sun Nov 29 23:03:52 GMT 2020

Hi Scott,

On Sun, Nov 29, 2020 at 5:06 PM Scott Wheeler <scott at> wrote:
> The honest truth is that TagLib needs is a new maintainer.  I stopped being the primary maintainer 12 years ago, when Lukas and later Kageyu took over, but I haven’t heard from either of them in a few years, and I drifted back into doing occasional TagLib work.

So how is TagLib going to get a new maintainer? Is there some kind of
formal process for that?
I assume you'd want to pick someone capable and willing and who is
already a regular contributor. For an important project like TagLib it
is probably a good idea to have at least two maintainers, to avoid
that person being a single point of failure.

> Nothing in there is rocket science, but like I said, it is a few days of work.  If you’re interested in jumping in and starting to handle some of that stuff, great.  :-)

Wouldn't he need access to the repository first?


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