Unknown Address Fault for APIC.toBase64().data()

Timothy Stoyanovski stoyanovski.development at gmail.com
Thu Aug 24 16:46:23 UTC 2017


I'm having an interesting issue with 1 particular mp3. Below is my code:

TagLib::ID3v2::AttachedPictureFrame * frame =
(TagLib::ID3v2::AttachedPictureFrame *)(*it);

if (frame!=nullptr && frame->size() > 0) {

    auto len = frame->picture().toBase64().size();

    if (len) { // size: 741376

        outfile << "generated apic" << '\n';

        outfile << frame->picture().toBase64() << '\n';  // <—— is okay

        outfile << frame->picture().toBase64().data() << '\n'; <—— CRASH

outfile is just some output file for debug data (std::ofstream outfile)

Is there any way to identify why this crashes, and why does .data() cause
the crash?

Timothy Stoyanovski - Developer
*PHP + Frontend*

*Open Source Contributions: https://github.com/stoyvo
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