cannot set COMPOSER

Yogesh Marwaha yogeshm.007 at
Sat Nov 8 06:57:42 UTC 2014

On 7 November 2014 23:32, Bruce Culbertson <bruceculbertson at> wrote:
>     TagLib::StringList valList ("Beethoven");
>             TagLib::PropertyMap pmap = t->properties();
>             pmap ["COMPOSER"] = valList;
>             t->setProperties (pmap);
>             f->save();

Does this work (I'm myself out of touch for long, just bridging the
gap in yours and Michael's code): -

TagLib::StringList valList ("Beethoven");
TagLib::PropertyMap pmap = f->properties();
pmap ["COMPOSER"] = valList;
f->setProperties (pmap);

Yogesh Marwaha

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