getting started with ios

Christopher Scott chris at
Thu Mar 27 18:32:26 UTC 2014

Thank you, everyone, for your help!

I am not that great at c++, or with taglib.  I went with this code:

                TagLib::ID3v2::FrameList l = tag->frameListMap()["PRIV"];
//                cout << "out: list count: " << l.size() << endl;
                if(l.size() > 0)

I want to erase any previous priv tag and after testing ... this clears it.

I would like to document the exercise I went through with compiling taglib for iOS with cmake.  Is there someone I can ping about getting this in the wiki?

Thanks again!
Christopher Scott

On Mar 27, 2014, at 12:34 AM, Scott Wheeler <scott at> wrote:

> On Mar 26, 2014, at 7:52 PM, Christopher Scott <chris at> wrote:
>>                 if (l[i]->toString() == “ownerEmailAddress")
>>                 {
> […]
>>                     tag->removeFrame(l[i]);
>>                     tag->addFrame(l[i]);
> This doesn’t make sense to me.  You shouldn’t need to remove and then re-add the same frame.
> […]
>>                 }
>>                }
>>                if (!found)
>>                {
>>                TagLib::ID3v2::PrivateFrame *frame = new TagLib::ID3v2::PrivateFrame ();
>>                    frame->setOwner("ownerEmailAddress");
>>                   const TagLib::ByteVector v = TagLib::ByteVector::fromCString(UITSPayload, (uint32_t) strlen(UITSPayload));
>>                   frame->setData(v);
>>                  tag->addFrame(frame);
>>          ;
>>                }
> I think the main problem here is that you’re only calling save() if “found” is false.
> -Scott
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