Cannot compile Taglib for x86 with MSVC2010

Brett Hoyle kickbits at
Thu Jun 21 12:39:19 UTC 2012

I wrote the attached script to build static lib taglib libraries. Maybe it
could be of help to you?

Needs to be renamed from .txt to .cmd, it was renamed to help prevent AV
scanners getting upset.

Builds release zlib then taglib x86 and x64.


Uses Cmake to generate the project files and sets the build environment
based on finding default paths for 32bit or 64bit Visual Studio 2010
compilers, also auto detects Windows x86 versus x64.



Folder structure:









From: taglib-devel-bounces at [mailto:taglib-devel-bounces at] On
Behalf Of cyril apan
Sent: Thursday, 21 June 2012 9:46 PM
To: taglib-devel at
Subject: Cannot compile Taglib for x86 with MSVC2010


Hi everybody,


I'm trying to compile Taglib 1.7.2 on my Windows 7 x64 with MSVC 2010 SP1.

I've successfully done it for the x64 target, but I got the following error
when doing the same for the x86 target:


error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _uncompress referenced in function
"protected: class TagLib::ByteVector __thiscall
TagLib::ID3v2::Frame::fieldData(class TagLib::ByteVector const &)const "
(?fieldData at Frame@ID3v2 at TagLib@@IBE?AVByteVector at 3@ABV43@@Z)


I configured both targets on separate folders with CMake
(taglib\vstudio\x86\ and taglib\vstudio\x64\) with Zlib enabled and
configured correctly.

The issue shouldn't be coming from Zlib as I can compile LibPng with it on
both targets without problem.

I'm just selecting Release and then Build. Anybody has an idea?




Cyril APAN.

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