About Taglib for Symbian (Qt development)

Антон Сергунов setosha at gmail.com
Mon Nov 14 11:43:33 UTC 2011

#ifdef Q_WS_WIN

    TagLib::FileRef fref(to.toLocalFile().toStdWString().c_str());

#else defined(Q_WS_MACX)

    TagLib::FileRef fref(to.toLocalFile().toUtf8());



TagLib::MPEG::File *fileMPEG = dynamic_cast<TagLib::MPEG::File *>(fref.file());


    fileMPEG->save(MPEG::File::AllTags, true, 3); // Many programs
can't read id3v2.4 tags



TagLib::String toTString(const QString* str)


    return TagLib::String(reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t


\\ To fix id3v1 encoding bug

QString toQString(const TagLib::String& str)



        return QString::fromLocal8Bit(str.to8Bit().c_str());

    return QString::fromStdWString(str.toWString());


2011/11/14 Hoài Linh Nguyễn <mrsherlock88 at gmail.com>

> I use : Qt Creator in Window 7 x86. Visual Studio 9 2008, CMake 2.8.6,
> latest taglib in Git.
> I Generate in Cmake 2.8.6 like image attached, another hidden varialble
> are default.
> I build from Visual studio 9, first, I get tag.lib file and size is 520KB.
> code I use:
>  QString filepath = fileInfo.absoluteFilePath();
>         int fnLen = filepath.length();
>         wchar_t* fnWs = new wchar_t[fnLen + 1];
>         fnWs[fnLen] = 0;
>         filepath.toWCharArray(fnWs);
>          TagLib::FileRef f(filepath.constData());
>         TagLib::FileName filename(fnWs);
> //        TagLib::FileRef f(filename);
>         delete [] fnWs;
>          if(!f.isNull() && f.tag())
> 	{
>                 TagLib::Tag *tag = f.tag();
>                 this->artist	= TStringToQString(tag->artist());
>                 this->album	= TStringToQString(tag->album());
>                 this->title	= TStringToQString(tag->title());
>  	}
> With tag.lib in 520KB, only one error occurs is "cannot convert parameter from QChar * to Taglib::FileName, no constructor found". When change to:
> //        TagLib::FileRef f(filepath.constData());
>         TagLib::FileName filename(fnWs);
>         TagLib::FileRef f(filename);
> I get "unresolved external symbol".
> After that, I re-generate with cmake, and re-build (try clean, or delete all file, re-extract from *.tar.gz file). But I get tag.lib with ~6MB, alway.
> I try re-install CMake.
> Is there other way to construct FileName from QString ? Or fix that with new Constructor? Or I must generate with other config? Please help, I rather to use Taglib.
> Sorry for my bad English.
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