Various build problems

Mathias Panzenböck grosser.meister.morti at
Fri Jun 17 05:34:03 CEST 2011

On 06/17/2011 02:05 AM, Vinnie wrote:
> When I build using the Intel C++ compiler under Visual Studio 2010 I get these errors:
> Error	516	error #308: class template "TagLib::List<T>::ListPrivate [with T=TagLib::MP4::Atom *]" (declared at line 240 of "D:\dev\trunk\vflib\include\taglib\tlist.h") is inaccessible	D:\dev\trunk\vflib\include\taglib\tlist.tcc	66
> Error	521	error #308: class template "TagLib::List<T>::ListPrivate [with T=TagLib::ID3v2::RelativeVolumeFrame::ChannelType]" (declared at line 240 of "..\vflib\include\taglib\tlist.h") is inaccessible	D:\dev\trunk\vflib\include\taglib\tlist.tcc	66
> Error	515	error #308: class template "TagLib::List<T>::ListPrivate [with T=TagLib::ByteVector]" (declared at line 240 of "D:\dev\trunk\vflib\include\taglib\tlist.h") is inaccessible	D:\dev\trunk\vflib\include\taglib\tlist.tcc	66
> Error	558	error #308: class template "TagLib::List<T>::ListPrivate [with T=TagLib::ASF::Attribute]" (declared at line 240 of "D:\dev\trunk\vflib\include\taglib\tlist.h") is inaccessible	D:\dev\trunk\vflib\include\taglib\tlist.tcc	66
> Some other questions:
> 1) What's with the .tcc file? Why was it necessary to use a non-standard extension?

I'm no taglib project member, but still:

While .tcc is not standard it is common practice to put template implementations in .tcc files. 
Because templates have to be defined in their headers these .tcc files are then included in the 
corresponding header file. This extension is so common, that editors like kwrite and gvim handle 
them as C++.

Also I would consider this error message a bug of the Intel C++ compiler, because this class is used 
in the next line and it is defined in tlist.tcc, where it is also used (access of List::d).

> 2) Why was it necessary to create a flat folder structure with a bunch of header files that include the corresponding deep folder structure headers?
> Thanks,
> V
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