Various build problems

Vinnie thevinn at
Fri Jun 17 02:05:45 CEST 2011

When I build using the Intel C++ compiler under Visual Studio 2010 I get these errors:

Error	516	error #308: class template "TagLib::List<T>::ListPrivate [with T=TagLib::MP4::Atom *]" (declared at line 240 of "D:\dev\trunk\vflib\include\taglib\tlist.h") is inaccessible	D:\dev\trunk\vflib\include\taglib\tlist.tcc	66

Error	521	error #308: class template "TagLib::List<T>::ListPrivate [with T=TagLib::ID3v2::RelativeVolumeFrame::ChannelType]" (declared at line 240 of "..\vflib\include\taglib\tlist.h") is inaccessible	D:\dev\trunk\vflib\include\taglib\tlist.tcc	66

Error	515	error #308: class template "TagLib::List<T>::ListPrivate [with T=TagLib::ByteVector]" (declared at line 240 of "D:\dev\trunk\vflib\include\taglib\tlist.h") is inaccessible	D:\dev\trunk\vflib\include\taglib\tlist.tcc	66

Error	558	error #308: class template "TagLib::List<T>::ListPrivate [with T=TagLib::ASF::Attribute]" (declared at line 240 of "D:\dev\trunk\vflib\include\taglib\tlist.h") is inaccessible	D:\dev\trunk\vflib\include\taglib\tlist.tcc	66

Some other questions:

1) What's with the .tcc file? Why was it necessary to use a non-standard extension?

2) Why was it necessary to create a flat folder structure with a bunch of header files that include the corresponding deep folder structure headers?



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