Help Compiling Taglib: missing 'config.h'

Pris Matic prismatic.project at
Thu Jul 21 00:08:37 CEST 2011

Hi Lukas,

Thanks for the reply. After sidestepping the issue with your advice, I ran
into a few more issues using the git repo.

I'm able to build TagLib successfully (I think), as I get the *.a static lib
file. I link to this using qmake and that seems to go fine. But now when
trying to use taglib in my program I get a few path errors. Here's an

tstring.h: No such file or directory    // from tag.h., line 30, which is
"#include tstring.h"

There are a couple more like this (they all refer to files the
/taglib/toolkit dir). I tried to see what would happen if I pointed to them
directly (ie. change #include tstring.h to #include toolkit/tstring.h). This
lets me compile and things *seem* to be working fine, but I wanted to ask if
I was doing this right etc.


2011/7/20 Lukáš Lalinský <lalinsky at>

> On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 8:06 PM, Pris Matic <prismatic.project at>
> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I'm trying to compile TagLib using Qt Creator in Ubuntu 10.10. I run into
> > the following error:
> > 'config.h: No such file or directory    id3v2frame.cpp'
> > The line in question is an #include statement that's called when ZLIB
> > doesn't exist:
> > #include <config.h>
> > What's this file referring to? I feel like it's pointing to some system
> file
> > since its enclosed in <> but I don't know. The TagLib source does not
> > include a config.h. I tried 1.7 and the latest version up on git. I've
> > included my *.pro file (this is for the latest version off github). I'd
> > appreciate any help in getting taglib to compile.
> The file is generated by CMake and should be included only if the
> HAVE_CONFIG_H macro is defined. This wasn't the case in two files, and
> they were including the file if HAVE_ZLIB was *not* defined. This is
> now fixed in git, but as a workaround you can create an empty config.h
> file.
> Lukas
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