undefined symbol errors when running latest taglib on osx app

Nonnus ™ nonnus3g at gmail.com
Wed Feb 16 01:47:06 CET 2011

today i noticed i was building for 64 bits,
now when i try to build for 32 bits i get errors saying libtag.dylib is 64 bit only ??

Nonnus ™
Sent with Sparrow
On Sunday, January 30, 2011 at 12:27 AM, Nonnus ™ wrote: 
> (...)
>  What is your taglib framework's install path? The solution to your problem
> depends on how the fw is configured (using @rpath or @loader_path, or
> installed in a location external to your app) but more than likely you'll
>  need to set the appropriate runpath search paths in your app's build
> settings.
> Stephen
> (...)
> thanks for you help steven 
> after trying all the complicated solutions, 
> building with make, adding library location to header search paths, compiling framework with a xcode proejct from github, adding framework to project, etc...
> i found out that i had a libtag.dylib available in my target settings info section (under linked libraries), 
> as soon as i added it to project i only needed to perform the includes and everything seems to be working perfectly :)
> i am just not sure why the lib was listed there, if it was always there, if it was because i compiled with make or using the xcode project, 
> i actually have a bunch of libtags listed: 
> libtag_c.0.0.0.dylib
> libtag_c.0.dylib
> libtag_c.dylib
> libtag.1.9.0.dylib
> libtag.1.dylib
> libtag.dylib
> not really sure why :D 
> in any case i am rolling now 
> thanks alot
> nonnus 

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