TagLib and Windows

Martin Schlodinski martinschlodinski at freenet.de
Fri Dec 24 14:31:31 CET 2010

Hi Joel,

thanks for your comment - I finally made it! I am able to compile the 
taglib examples without errors - and they work! Those static_casts you 
mentioned were also done by me. You're right, you have to add every 
single header directory to /Additional Include Directories/ as well as 
/zlib.lib and tag.lib/ to the linker. But I don't have to add 
/TAGLIB_STATIC/ to the preprocessor options (I don't even know what this 
is for :) ). I don't get these linker errors, everything is fine. Make 
sure, you have
inside your working directory. I've made some screenshots of my project 
configuration (see attachment)...but they are in German :D but I think, 
you can figure out what they mean because "C++" and "Linker" are the 
same in German ;)

I've tested you command
/TagLib::MPEG::File a("tests/other/blank.mp3");/
but for this, you need some more #include-statements than just
#include <fileref.h>
#include <tag.h>

Therefore I've run a script that gives me every *.h file from the taglib 
directory. When you include all of them in your project, your command 
should work. The includes are also in the attachment.

Now my project should also work...but somehow I get a 
"PInvokeStackImbalance" error without /TAGLIB_STATIC/ in the 
preprocessor options...and I get a "System.AccessViolationException" 
error when I add/TAGLIB_STATIC/...do you have an idea why these errors 
occur? oO

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