Album Art using Taglib

pranay prateek pranay.iitm at
Thu Nov 26 07:15:33 CET 2009

In continuation to the previous mail,
i forgot to mention that my code crashes in the first line itself,

TagLib::MPEG::File mpegFile("\\Storage Card\\YeDooriyan.mp3");

i.e. it is not able to create an object of the type MPEG::File.

On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 11:29 AM, pranay prateek <pranay.iitm at>wrote:

> Hi all
> I am trying to use TagLib to extract album art from audio files. I am
> building this app for WINCE 6.0 using c++ and Visual Studio 2005 IDE.
> As of now, i am just trying to test it on  mp3 files. If i include all the
> files from mpeg, toolkit and ape folders, i am able to compile my project.
> But, at runtime  it gives an unhandled exception error for some mp3 files,
> while it runs fine for other mp3 files.
> The unhandled exception occurs at
> ref() function in RefCounter class
> called by
> ByteVector::ByteVector(const ByteVector &v) : d(v.d)
> {
>    d->ref();
> }
> It seems the *this* pointer in the ref function called is NULL which is
> seemingly causing the problem.
> My main issue is how is this working for some MP3 files while not working
> for others? Does it depend upon some parameter present in MP3
> files which may not be present in other MP3 files?
> Also, i searched the documentation but couldn't find out what actually is
> the RefCounter class doing. Why is it being called so many times?
> Can somebody give me pointers on how this issue could be resolved?
> Thanks.
> Regards
> Pranay
> My code is something like this:
> int main()
> {
> static const char *IdPicture = "APIC" ;
> TagLib::MPEG::File mpegFile("\\Storage Card\\YeDooriyan.mp3");
>  TagLib::ID3v2::Tag *id3v2tag = mpegFile.ID3v2Tag();
> TagLib::ID3v2::FrameList Frame ;
>  TagLib::ID3v2::AttachedPictureFrame *PicFrame ;
> void *RetImage = NULL, *SrcImage ;
>  unsigned long Size ;
> FILE *jpegFile;
> fopen_s(&jpegFile,"FromId3.jpg","wb");
>   if ( id3v2tag )
>   {
>     // picture frame
>     Frame = id3v2tag->frameListMap()[IdPicture] ;
>     if (!Frame.isEmpty() )
>     {
>       // find cover art
> for(TagLib::ID3v2::FrameList::ConstIterator it = Frame.begin(); it !=
> Frame.end(); ++it)
>       {
>   PicFrame = (TagLib::ID3v2::AttachedPictureFrame *)(*it) ;
>         if ( PicFrame->type() ==
> TagLib::ID3v2::AttachedPictureFrame::FrontCover)
>         {
>           // extract image (in it's compressed form)
>           Size = PicFrame->picture().size() ;
>           SrcImage = malloc ( Size ) ;
>           if ( SrcImage )
>           {
>             memcpy ( SrcImage, PicFrame->picture().data(), Size ) ;
> fwrite(SrcImage,Size,1, jpegFile);
> fclose(jpegFile);
>             free( SrcImage ) ;
>           }
>           if ( RetImage )
>             break ;
>         }
>       }
>     }
>   }
> return(0);
> }

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