Using TagLib with VS2005

pranay prateek pranay.iitm at
Sun Nov 22 21:35:40 CET 2009

Hi all
I am trying to use TagLib to extract album art from audio files. I am
building this app for WINCE 6.0 using c++ and Visual Studio 2005 IDE.
As of now, i am just trying to test it on an mp3 file. If i include all the
files from mpeg, toolkit and ape folders, i am able to compile my project.
But, at runtime the it gives an unhandled exception error.

My main code is simply:
int main()
TagLib::FileRef f("\\Storage Card\\YeDooriyan.mp3");

On closer look it seems that the error actually occurs in create function of

The code crashes on this line:

 List<const FileTypeResolver *>::ConstIterator it =

It seems the detach() function in tlist.tcc is being called without being
initialised in the first place.

In tlist.h, its written that tlist.tcc is included only because there is no
export function in gcc. Since, i am using VS2005 is it possible that
i can do without the .tcc? If you people have nay suggestion, kindly
reply.Am bit of stuck on this.

I am newbie in c++ programming, hence am not very converse with the
technicalities of compiler.

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