taglib-1.5: corrupted PNG-header while parsing APIC-frame

Chris Verwymeren verwymeren at gmail.com
Mon Nov 3 18:47:14 CET 2008


I can confirm that the patch fixes certain files but breaks other  
ones. I have a few files I could send you whose album art is displayed  
once the patch is applied.

On 30-Oct-08, at 5:45 PM, Scott Wheeler wrote:

> Maxim Bourmistrov wrote:
>> Tested with PNG-image inside APIC-frame.
>> Here is a detailed description with some nice screenshots :) -> http://en.roolz.org/Blog/Entries/2008/10/29_Using_taglib_to_extract_cover_image_from_MP3-files.html
>> I'm not on this list, so please replay to my mail directly.
> Hi Maxim --
> This patch looks incorrect.  My guess would be that iTunes (if that's
> what put the images there) is storing the image incorrectly in the
> frame.  Its ID3v2 implementation is rather buggy.  I'd assume that
> either they're not writing the description or its not being properly
> terminated.  I just checked the spec and the APIC frame has been
> consistent across ID3v2.2 - ID3v2.4, so it shouldn't be an
> incompatibility there.
> Could you send a sample file that's problematic to me via mail?  I'd
> like to have a glance at it with a hex editor to see what's up.
> Cheers,
> -Scott
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