Disagreement between MPEG::File::ID3v1Tag docs and behavior

Jim jmartin_92 at verizon.net
Thu Aug 7 04:13:40 CEST 2008

Scott Wheeler wrote:
> Ιντζόγλου Θεόφιλος wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I also have noticed this problem. I am the developer of a tagging program 
>> (mediatagtools) and I want my mp3 files to have only id3v2 tags. However when 
>> an mp3 is opened now a id3v1 tag is created (even though it's empty) and is 
>> then saved in the file. This didn't happen with taglib 1.4. Is there a 
>> specific reason for the two added lines  in mpegfile.cpp ? Removing those 
>> taglib seem to work again as it should be.
> Hi --
> Could you please file a bug report for this?  I'm in the middle of 
> launching my new company, so I can't address these immediately, but if 
> they're in the bug tracker they'll definitely be reviewed before the 
> next release.
> Cheers,
> -Scott


I created a bug report (165087) a little while ago about the reported first 
frame position in a MPEG file not being correct if there isn't an ID3v2 tag.  I 
think it is caused by the same problem -- empty ID3v1 & 2 tags being created. 
Perhaps others could add comments about other problems they have noticed that 
are caused by the empty tag creation?  (Or if that wouldn't be proper, a new 
report could be made.)

And Theofilos, I think you can avoid the ID3v1 tag from being saved by changing 
which flags are passed to MPEG::File::save.  That routine already checks to 
avoid saving/writing an empty ID3v1 tag.  However, if the file has an ID3v2 tag 
and the flag for ID3v1 is passed to save, it will copy the information from the 
v2 tag into the v1 tag.


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