Disagreement between MPEG::File::ID3v1Tag docs and behavior

Scott Wheeler wheeler at kde.org
Thu Aug 7 02:57:57 CEST 2008

Ιντζόγλου Θεόφιλος wrote:
> Hello,
> I also have noticed this problem. I am the developer of a tagging program 
> (mediatagtools) and I want my mp3 files to have only id3v2 tags. However when 
> an mp3 is opened now a id3v1 tag is created (even though it's empty) and is 
> then saved in the file. This didn't happen with taglib 1.4. Is there a 
> specific reason for the two added lines  in mpegfile.cpp ? Removing those 
> taglib seem to work again as it should be.

Hi --

Could you please file a bug report for this?  I'm in the middle of 
launching my new company, so I can't address these immediately, but if 
they're in the bug tracker they'll definitely be reviewed before the 
next release.



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