bug encoding multibyte?

Lukáš Lalinský lalinsky at gmail.com
Mon Feb 5 16:45:04 CET 2007

On Po, 2007-02-05 at 16:26 +0100, Scott Wheeler wrote:
> (And yes, I'm still really behind on email.  Ideally things will slow 
> down soon-ish and then I'll go through and review all of the patches 
> that have come in...)

When you will have time, can you take a look at this branch -
https://launchpad.net/~luks/+branch/taglib/taglib.ext? I've put together
some patches from bugs.kde.org, my Win32 changes, the old plugins from
libtunepimp and a new MP4 plugin, and I'm trying to create a test suite
for it.

Ideally I'd like to reduce this just to a collection of plugins, but
there are some important bugs in the current code, so I needed to branch
the whole source tree. I think most of these fixes could go directly to
TagLib 1.5. Probably also some of the new file formats (except WMA and
MP4, because they are GPL).

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