TODO - The Windows Geschischte

Lukáš Lalinský lalinsky at
Fri Jul 21 15:42:14 CEST 2006

Scott Wheeler wrote:
> I hadn't really thought through that before.  At any rate, if we go this way I
> would probably create a TagLib::FileName class that has constructors for char
> * and wchar * so that we'd be insulted from such things in the future and add
> that rather than const wchar * constructors.

I started working on this, but while creating a list of methods that need to be
duplicated, I realized that it isn't doable -- to implement it we would need to
add a new virtual method to FileTypeResolver, which would break binary
compatibility. So it looks like we have to wait for 2.0 :(

Probably the only possible solution to support both UTF-16 and the local file
system encoding is retyping wchar * strings to char * and adding some global
option in File, but this is pretty hackish ...

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