Ape tags, includes and portability

Scott Wheeler wheeler at kde.org
Tue Jul 18 12:17:40 CEST 2006

> In general I would like to know If my ideas
> fit into your future visions in any way and what
> other plans have been made for taglib's future.
> It would be great if you could add me to the
> developer list and give me subversion write access
> but If you really dislike my ideas please say "no"
> clearly.

Just a quick note -- things being ignored right now doesn't mean,  
"not interested" but rather, "main TagLib developer just moved a few  
weeks ago and doesn't have DSL at home yet and as such isn't really  
reviewing patches".  :-)

You can add yourself to the list -- there's a link at the bottom of  
every list mail to the mailman interface.  SVN access shouldn't be a  
problem -- my DSL should be getting hooked up in a couple of days and  
then I can get you set up there.



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